Global Game Rule

Predefined game rules for all worlds in Minecraftly universe. You don't have to do anything, these rules are automatically applied for all worlds.

Rule NameDescriptionValue
commandBlockOutputWhether command blocks should notify admins when they perform commandstrue
disableElytraMovementCheckWhether the server should skip checking player speed when the player is wearing elytra.false
doDaylightCycleWhether the day-night cycle and moon phases progresstrue
doEntityDropsWhether entities that are not mobs should have dropstrue
doFireTickWhether fire should spread and naturally extinguishtrue
doMobLootWhether mobs should drop itemstrue
doMobSpawningWhether mobs should naturally spawntrue
doTileDropsWhether blocks should have dropstrue
keepInventoryWhether the player should keep items in their inventory after deathtrue
logAdminCommandsWhether to log admin commands to server logtrue
mobGriefingWhether creepers, zombies, endermen, ghasts, withers, ender dragons, rabbits, sheep, and villagers should be able to change blocks and whether villagers, zombies, skeletons, and zombie pigmen can pick up itemsfalse
naturalRegenerationWhether the player can regenerate health naturally if their hunger is full enough (doesn't affect external healing, such as golden apples, the Regeneration effect, etc.)true
randomTickSpeedHow often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick. 0 will disable random ticks, higher numbers will increase random ticks3
reducedDebugInfoWhether the debug screen shows all or reduced information; and whether the effects of F3+B (entity hitboxes) and F3+G (chunk boundaries) are shown.false
sendCommandFeedbackWhether the feedback from commands executed by a player should show up in chat. Also affects the default behavior of whether command blocks store their output texttrue
showDeathMessagesWhether a message appears in chat when a player diestrue
spawnRadiusThe number of blocks outward from the world spawn coordinates that a player will spawn in when first joining a server or when dying without a spawnpoint.10
spectatorsGenerateChunksWhether players in spectator mode can generate chunkstrue